Love is an intricate tapestry woven from shared experiences, dreams, and deep emotional connections. It thrives in the moments of joy and in the challenges we face together, transforming ordinary days into extraordinary memories. Love is the quiet strength that supports us, the laughter that lightens our hearts, and the comfort that wraps around us like a warm embrace. 

Love inspires us to be our truest selves, encouraging vulnerability and growth. It’s the joy in small gestures, the comfort in presence, and the courage to face life’s challenges side by side. In its purest form, love is a celebration of the human spirit, a reminder that we are never truly alone.

The Photographer & Artist


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Love is a profound connection that transcends time and circumstance, weaving its way through our lives in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. It is found in the gentle touch of a hand, the shared laughter that echoes through quiet moments, and the unspoken understanding that binds two souls together. 

the girl behind
the camera

With Love From


Hi! I'm Carys! As a proud New Hampshire native, I’ve always felt at home in this beautiful state. I feel truly lucky to have such diverse landscapes at my fingertips. I grew up right near the ocean, and with the incredible White Mountains just two hours away, NH truly has it all! My winters were filled with skiing on the slopes, while summers were spent surfing and soaking up the sun. This unique lifestyle deeply influenced my love for art, photography, 35mm film, adventure, and cinematic imagery.

I fully plan on moving somewhere else in the future (suggestions pls!), but as of right now shooting in destination locations is enough to keep the travel addiction going :)

I can’t wait to connect with you and share my passion for capturing love stories in the beauty around us!

Learn About The Process

In the quaint town of Elderswood, where cobblestone streets whispered stories of old, two souls were destined to collide. Amelia, a passionate violinist, poured her heart into every note she played at the local music academy. Her dream was to perform at the grand concert hall in the city, a stage that seemed just out of reach.
On the other side of town lived Ethan, a talented painter who found inspiration in the vibrant sunsets that bathed Elderswood in hues of orange and purple. He had always felt like an outsider, his art misunderstood by the townsfolk who favored more traditional pursuits. Their paths crossed one fateful evening during the annual Harvest Festival. Amelia was performing under a twinkling canopy of fairy lights, the sound of her violin weaving through the autumn air. Ethan, drawn by the enchanting melody, found a spot in the crowd. As he listened, he felt a connection to the music that stirred something deep within him. After her performance, Amelia noticed him standing apart from the crowd, his eyes bright with admiration. Gathering her courage, she approached him. “I saw you listening. Did you enjoy it?” she asked, her cheeks flushed.“Enjoy it? It was mesmerizing,” Ethan replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “You play like your heart is on fire.” As they talked, an effortless bond formed. They spent the rest of the evening wandering through the festival, sharing dreams and fears beneath the glowing moon. They quickly realized they shared a love for art in all its forms—a passion that ignited a spark between them. Weeks turned into months, and their friendship blossomed into something deeper. They met regularly in the town square, Amelia playing her violin while Ethan painted her portrait. The world around them faded as they lost themselves in each other’s presence, their laughter echoing through the trees. But as winter approached, so did challenges. Amelia received an offer to study at a prestigious conservatory in the city, while Ethan’s work began to attract attention from a gallery owner in need of fresh talent. Excited but anxious, they faced a difficult decision. Would they pursue their dreams, potentially leaving their blossoming love behind? One snowy night, as they walked hand in hand under a blanket of stars, Ethan stopped and looked into Amelia’s eyes. “What if we take a leap together? I’ll move to the city too. We can support each other.” Amelia hesitated, her heart torn. “What if we fail? What if our dreams take us in different directions?” “Then we’ll create new dreams together,” he replied, his voice steady. “I can’t imagine my life without you.” With renewed hope, they decided to take the plunge. The following summer, they moved to the city, where the rhythm of life was both exhilarating and daunting. Amelia immersed herself in rigorous practice while Ethan began showcasing his work in galleries. The pressure of their ambitions weighed heavily on them. Late nights turned into early mornings, and they found themselves caught in the whirlwind of their new lives. Despite their love, the distance began to creep in—missed calls, lonely dinners, and an overwhelming sense of longing. One rainy evening, after a particularly tough day, Amelia returned home to find Ethan painting with fervor. The room was filled with the smell of paint and the sound of soft music. She stood in the doorway, watching him, and a wave of nostalgia washed over her. “Ethan,” she began, her voice trembling, “I feel like we’re drifting apart.” He turned, his eyes filled with concern. “I know. It’s hard. But we’re both fighting for our dreams.” Amelia took a deep breath. “But what about us? I don’t want to lose what we have” He walked over, taking her hands in his. “We need to find a way to blend our dreams, just like we did in Elderswood. Let’s create something together.” Inspired, they began to collaborate on a project: a multimedia exhibition that combined Amelia’s music with Ethan’s paintings. As they worked side by side, their love rekindled, and their creative energies flourished. The exhibition became a celebration of their journey, drawing inspiration from their time in Elderswood. The night of the exhibition arrived, and the gallery buzzed with excitement. As Amelia played her violin, Ethan displayed his paintings, each brushstroke echoing the melodies she created. The room filled with laughter, applause, and a palpable sense of love. They stood together, hand in hand, knowing that their dreams could coexist, that their love was the very essence of their art. Years passed, and as their careers soared, they never lost sight of each other. They became a formidable team, their love deepening with each challenge they faced. They traveled the world, sharing their art and inspiring others to pursue their passions. One evening, while watching a breathtaking sunset in a foreign city, Ethan turned to Amelia, a ring shimmering in his hand. “You’ve been my muse and my greatest love. Will you marry me?” Tears of joy filled her eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. “Yes! A thousand times, yes!”
Their wedding took place in Elderswood, surrounded by the cobblestone streets that had first brought them together. As they exchanged vows, the sound of Amelia’s violin floated through the air, weaving their love story into the fabric of time.


I have vowed to capture love as authentically as I have experienced it. Me & my husband, Adi, got married May of 2023 & live with our golden retriever, Oakley. Adi is my best friend & biggest supporter. He loves me so kindly and so gently, characteristic that I always aim to bring into my art. Some of our favorite things to do together are thrift, cook, bring Oakley to the beach, watch Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings, & spend time with our friends & family. 


In the hush of night, your whisper calls,
A melody that dances through my heart's halls.
With every glance, my soul ignites,
A flame that burns through endless nights.
Your laughter is the song I crave,
A gentle tide, a soothing wave.
In your embrace, I find my home,
Together, love, we'll never roam.

In the quiet moments, when the world is still, I hear your heartbeat, a gentle thrill.
Each pulse a promise, each sigh a song,
In this beautiful dance, we both belong.

My Go Tos


Mean the world to me

Inquire With Carys


With Love,

Welcome to a world where your love story comes to life through my lens. Every glance, every touch, and every whispered promise is a moment waiting to be captured, a cinematic story that deserves to be told.

As we embark on our journey together, I am here to frame the raw, authentic emotions that define your connection. My passion lies in creating art that reflects not just who you are, but the beautiful narrative of your love.

Let’s create something beautiful together. Your story deserves to be told, and I can’t wait to help you tell it.

Dear Reader
156 Willow Ave,
New York, NYC, 12345

April 29th, 2024


Serving New Hampshire & Beyond

spending my summers in Maine (possibly my favorite state)

Cooking (No baking Though)



binge watching shows



Let's Chat

In the quiet corners of our lives, where the mundane often swirls with chaos, there exists a sacred space, a realm crafted by the threads of our shared moments. Each glance exchanged is a brushstroke on the canvas of our connection, painting a picture that only we can see. The world around us fades into a soft blur, while the vibrant hues of our laughter and whispered dreams take center stage. dawn breaks, casting golden light upon our mornings, I find solace in the way you wake. Your eyes, still heavy with sleep, hold the promise of a new day, a day that unfolds with endless possibilities. The way you sip your coffee, savoring each drop as if it were a precious gem, makes my heart swell. In these small rituals, I see the beauty of our love reflected—every smile, every sigh, a testament to the bond we share. the bustling streets, where life rushes by in a cacophony of noise, it is your hand in mine that anchors me. Each touch speaks a language beyond words, a silent conversation that resonates in the depths of my soul. The warmth of your skin against mine ignites a fire, a spark that radiates through our intertwined fingers, reminding me that in a world of uncertainty, we are a steadfast force. the seasons shift, I am captivated by the way you embrace change. With each passing autumn, I watch you gather the fallen leaves, transforming them into a symphony of colors. Your laughter dances in the crisp air, and I realize that it is in your presence that I discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. You teach me to find joy in fleeting moments, to cherish the ephemeral beauty that life offers. hen the moon rises high, casting a silvery glow upon the earth, we often find ourselves lost in the depths of conversation. Underneath the stars, we share our fears, our dreams, and the secrets we hold close to our hearts. In those intimate exchanges, I see the vulnerability that binds us; it is a thread of trust woven through our stories, creating a tapestry rich with understanding and love.  it is in the quiet moments, the ones that seem unremarkable, where I feel our love flourish most. Whether it’s cooking together in our tiny kitchen, the scent of spices mingling in the air, or simply curling up on the couch, lost in a book, I am reminded that it is these small acts that build the foundation of our relationship. Each shared glance and soft smile adds another layer to the story we are writing together.  time flows forward, I embrace the journey we are on, knowing that each challenge we face will only deepen our bond. It is in the storms that we learn to navigate together, finding strength in our unity, as we weather the winds of life. Your unwavering support and gentle encouragement give me the courage to chase my dreams, while I strive to uplift you in every endeavor. Together, we create a safe haven where love blossoms and grows.  the tapestry of life, our love is the vibrant thread that weaves through every experience, binding us in a way that feels both timeless and profound. It is a love that nurtures and inspires, a dance of souls that celebrates the beauty of our existence. With you, I have discovered not just a partner but a kindred spirit, someone who mirrors my hopes and dreams, enriching my life in ways I never imagined. d so, as we continue this journey, hand in hand, I vow to cherish you, to honor the essence of us. For in your laughter, I find my joy; in your tears, I offer my comfort. Together, we will create a legacy of love, a story that transcends time, reminding the world that in the simplest moments lies the most profound magic. Yet, it is in the quiet moments, the ones that seem unremarkable, where I feel our love flourish most. Whether it’s cooking together in our tiny kitchen, the scent of spices mingling in the air, or simply curling up on the couch, lost in a book, I am reminded that it is these small acts that build the foundation of our relationship. Each shared glance and soft smile adds another layer to the story we are writing together. Yet, it is in the quiet moments, the ones that seem unremarkable, where I feel our love flourish most. Whether it’s cooking together in our tiny kitchen, the scent of spices mingling in the air, or simply curling up on the couch, lost in a book, I am reminded that it is these small acts that build the foundation of our relationship. Each shared glance and soft smile adds another layer to the story we are writing together.

Let's create


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